Solar fotovoltaic

Photovoltaic solar energy is called a method of production of electricity through photovoltaic panels.

The panels, collectors or photovoltaic modules are composed of type semiconductor diode devices that, upon receiving solar radiation and cause a stir electronic jumps, generating a small potential difference at the ends. The coupling of several of these photodiodes allows obtaining higher voltages in very simple configurations and suitable for powering small electronic devices.
On a larger scale, continuous electrical power provided by photovoltaic panels can be transformed into alternating current and inject into the power grid, an operation that is economically viable but still needed a couple of grants for feasibility.


The process, simplified, is as follows: It generates energy at low voltages (380-800 V) and current. Becomes an investor in AC. Through a transformer is raised to medium voltage (15 or 25 kV) and injected into the transport networks of the company.

In isolated environments, which requires little electrical power and network access is difficult, as weather stations or repeaters for communications, photovoltaic plates are used as a viable alternative. To understand the importance of this possibility should be borne in mind that approximately one quarter of the world's population lacks access to electricity.

Basic Functions: Collect the sun's energy through photovoltaic panels, which are connected through a regulator to a battery as its name says, regulating the loading and unloading them. These batteries are connected to an inverter, which is responsible for converting the electricity to alternating continuously collected.